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Pitch Wars Advice Blog Hop

It's that exciting time of year again! No, not Christmas. Or Halloween (yet.) It's Pitch Wars time!! For those of you who don't know about Pitch Wars, you can find out more about it here . Basically, it's a mentorship opportunity for unpublished authors. Thousands of people will submit a query package to around 100+ mentors in hopes that they will get chosen to revise their manuscripts and participate in an agent showcase round. Sounds simple enough in theory but Pitch Wars was probably the toughest four months of my life. Whether you submitted this year or are thinking about submitting in the future, here are some takeaways from my experience as a Pitch Wars mentee.  (These are all totally my opinions! Others might disagree so take it all with a grain of salt.) 1. Not getting in is not a failure. The first two times I participated in PW, I didn't get in. Not even close.  But I did learn how to write a query letter and a synopsis. I learn...

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